Acting CEO for Fisheries Dr Siola’a Malimali representatives from FAO Jessica Sanders, Pau Likiliki ,Consultants from econnect and the Ministry of Fisheries Staffs who participated in the workshop.
Under the FAO project “Implementing recommendations to strengthen and enhance Tonga’s SMA programme towards better-managed coastal fisheries resources” a workshop is being held with Tonga Ministry of Fisheries from October 1-5 at the Tungi Colonade to develop the manual on Tonga’s special management areas (SMAs)
The highly successful SMA program in Tonga has had a large increase in requests to join the program. To assist MoF, FAO through EConnect is supporting the development of a new SMA Manual.
The SMA manual will compile knowledge of the SMA team in the Ministry of Fisheries to document processes to assist current and future staff in establishing, implementing and monitoring SMAs.