CDS (Catch Documentation Schemes) Workshop was conducted at the Ministry of Fisheries on the 11th - 13th of May under technical assistance provided by Tevaka Moana (TVM) and Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA).
The objective of the workshop is to conduct a scoping of CDS requirements (national, market state, RFMO, MCS programs and tools, other relevant considerations). Tonga Government had signatory to Port State Measure Agreement under FAO in 2016 and CDS is part of the condition have to implement by the member countries which included Tonga.
Workshop was held for 3 days opened by the CEO, Dr. Tu'ikolongahau Halafihi and was conducted by the consultant Francis Blaharr with facilitation provided by Head of Fisheries Compliance Division and supporting staff. Target participants were exporters especially Tuna Fisheries Industries and also Senior Fisheries Management Staff.