Vuna Road, Sopu
Tongatapu, Tonga


Kingdom of Tonga, Nuku'alofa (23 - 24 November 2016)

 group photo

The Ministry of Fisheries conducted a 2 days Fisheries Sector Plan - National Fisheries Policy Workshop on the 23rd-24th November 2016 at Tungi Colonade, Kingdom of Tonga.

The Government’s vision for fisheries is for fisheries to “make a significant contribution to better living standards for Tongans, in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible, and sustainable manner.”

The Ministry of Fisheries is committed to their mission to “achieve the vision through quality and timely services, characterised by integrity, teamwork and professionalism.”

One of the ways of this vision to be achieved is through the implementation of the Tonga Fisheries Sector Plan and this workshop is one of the first steps we are taking to implement this plan.

Participants were

  • Mr Paul Wallis from the New Zealand Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade
  •  Mr Mike Batty representing the Forum Fisheries Agency
  •  Mr Jason Raubati representing the Secretariat to the Pacific Community
  •  Mr Lars Olsen from New Zealand Department of Primary Industry as well as our local participants:
  •  Mr Taani Feao the President of the National Fisheries Council
  •  Representatives from line Ministries, and other key stakeholders also the Fisheries Staff.

The workshop aim was to update key stakeholders on progress with the Sector Plan, and to discuss the proposed Tonga National Fisheries Policy.

The Ministry of Fisheries CEO, Dr. Tuikolongahau Halafihi in his opening address acknowledged the World Bank for their support in developing the Fisheries Sector plan, the New Zealand Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade for funding the Fisheries Executive Adviser, as well as their financial support for this workshop venue and refreshments, the Forum Fisheries Agency who have agreed to support an action under the sector plan for a review of stakeholder engagement, and to the Secretariat of the Pacific Community for undertaking a review of the Special Management Area Program an action under the sector plan.