Vuna Road, Sopu
Tongatapu, Tonga

World Bank Meeting With the Ministry of Fisheries



The World Bank conducted the second project preparation mission for the Tonga: Halafononga ki ha Ngatai Tu’uloa | Pathway to Sustainable Oceans Project (Tongafish Pathways) in Nuku’alofa, Ha’apai and Vava’u, Tonga between August 20 - 27, 2018. The mission was led by Cary Anne Cadman (Senior Environment Specialist and Task Team Leader) and comprised Chris Barlow (Lead Aquaculture Specialist), Cedric Boisrobert (Senior Coastal Fisheries Specialist), Rachelle Therese Marburg (Social Development Specialist), Cris Nunes (Senior Procurement Specialist) and Elizabeth Ika (Operations Assistant).

The mission achieved its objectives to: (i) conduct technical site visits in Ha’apai, Vava’u and Tongatapu to review the context of the Special Management Areas (SMA) Program and proposed aquaculture investments; (ii) assess project risks and implementation capacity; (iii) finalize arrangements for the planned Programmatic Preparation Advance (PPA) activities; and, (iv) consult community stakeholders active in the SMA Program.

The mission wrapped up on Monday 27th September with a draft Aide Memoire to include summarized findings of the technical site visits, stakeholders, SMA Program and proposed aquaculture investments, project components, sub-components and key activities and draft Results Chain.

